
With the money raised to date from private and public donors and through fundraising events, the Beverly Burton Scholarship Trust needs to raise an additional $150,000 in order to completely endow the state of Alabama ONLY.  Once completed, annual scholarships of $10,000 can be awarded to the Alabama Boys & Girls Club Youth of the Year Recipient from earnings from the endowment without depleting the capital on hand.  Once the recipient is selected from a committee chosen by the Boys & Girls Club, the recipient provides their enrollment information and the name of their higher education institution.  A check in the amount of $1,250 is sent every semester directly to the school, as long as the recipient is a full-time student in good standing, and for up to four years (for a total of $10,000).

If you would like more information or would like to make a donation, please email info@beverlyburtontrust.org or email Ann Davis at adavis@beverlyburtontrust.org or call the office at (251) 380-7230

Please help us reach our goal!!!!




“Beverly’s dedication to the Boys & Girls
Club was so inspiring. She committed
25 years of service to a cause that helps
so many children and I am proud to offer
my support to her legacy.”

Congressman Jo Bonner

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